Invention Protection

People who develop inventions that are beneficial to society should be lauded for their findings. Often times, however, inventors suffer theft or infringement of their ideas and inventions. It is important for a prospective inventor to track diligently the progress of their idea and document everything including failed attempts. Invention protection is vital to those who want to realize their ideas without the interference or pilfering of others.

When conceptualizing an invention, it is crucial to document everything from the idea’s inception to the processes it encounters along the way to completion. It is important to write down everything and chronologically track findings as they happen. What is the invention and when was it conceived? How does it work and how should it look? What does the product do, and what problem does it solve? Any diagrams or photos that are taken of the invention, regardless of what stage it is in, should be retained. These meticulous actions, although they may seem excessive at the time, will protect an individual from possible entanglements in the future.

After proper documentation is gathered, the next step for invention protection is the acquisition of a patent. Before this, many people get their notes on their invention notarized to ensure their authenticity. It is then advisable for a person to retain a patent attorney. The attorney will help review the documentation on the prospective invention, conduct a patent search to see if someone else has not already developed this particular idea, and properly file the patent application. At this time, the patent may have to be distinguished as a utility patent or design patent. Filing for the patent helps invention protection because it clarifies the dates when the idea was actualized, therefore refuting similar claims that may rival a person’s idea. Included in the utility application process is the ability to submit any new idea refinements without having to resubmit the patent application over again.

Invention protection is vital to those who wish to keep their ideas in their name. Once invention protection is established with a patent, a person can go about angling their idea in the best direction for profit or humanitarian endeavors. After invention protection is established, a person can do whatever they choose with their invention. Often times, people take their ideas to companies who offer to buy the patent or finance the manufacturing of the product. In any event, establishing invention protection and getting a patent is important for those who want to dictate what happens to their ideas.