
Inventions keep society evolving. An invention is a new product or original process, which the patent office renders unique and never conceived previously. An invention is a completely new process, object, and/or an improvement on an existing idea. Throughout history, individuals created inventions to make life easier. Early examples, such as the wheel, bow and arrow or fishing net, made seemingly hard tasks simple for ancient peoples. Over the years, inventors spurred new technological and industrial advances with inventions. The wheel, for example, has been elaborated on so that now there are thousands of types of wheels that perform just as many different tasks for various applications.

Many contributing factors affect inventions. Scientific and technological advances aid in the ongoing growth of inventions. Certain inventions are not even actualized fully until something else is invented to enhance it. For example, the TV dinner, which was popularized in the 50,’s offered people a quick way to enjoy a fully prepared meal, even though they required a long time to cook. When the microwave was developed, the usefulness of the meals grew, because the microwave could cook the TV dinners in a matter of minutes. History contains numerous examples of a later invention promoting the ingenuity of an already existing invention.

Inventions are often the product of discovery. Discovery is something that exists already but has not been established. From a historic prospective, 500 years ago people discovered the world was not flat as previously suggested. When this discovery was made, the globe followed as an invention soon after as the result of the cartography discovery. Inventions are indeed things people frequently have taken for granted. Most objects that make up a person’s surroundings were once classified as inventions, but after a while, it is easy to take these for granted.

Inventions begin by establishing a fundamental need. The problem presents itself, and inventors search for a concrete solution to solve the given problem. Other inventions are devised by combining two existing objects. The modern day cell phone is an example of this. Cell phones first devised 20 years ago, for example, were designed to make phone calls while in transit. Cell phones now double as cameras, clocks, and mini computers. This further adds value and demand to the original cell phone invention design. It is these innovations and advances that aide in the creation of inventions designed to make lives easier and allow society to run more efficiently.