Trademark Registration

In many cases, a trademark is more than just a simple design, picture, or a catchy slogan. It is the public face of a business. That is why it is vital for any business, organization, or individual, to register their trademark in order to protect their image. A trademark can be anything that distinguishes a product or service from another. This can include a word or a combination of words, a symbol, a unique sound, a building design, packaging, or even the unique combinations of colors. Almost anything can be trademarked. However, to obtain a trademark, one must go through the trademark registration process at the Trademark Office.

The trademark registration process consists of several steps. The first step of the trademark registration process is to search the Trademark Office database to determine if anybody is already claiming rights over the trademark you wish to claim. Often, individuals as well as business big and small will hire a trademark attorney to do this research for them as well the other required steps in the trademark registration process. However, individuals can conduct an online search on the Trademark Office database. In addition, an individual can conduct a trademark search at the Trademark Public Search Library, located at Alexandria, Virginia.

If there were no claims place on your trademark, then the next step in the trademark registration process is to draft a description of the goods and/or services associated with your trademark. This is an essential part of the trademark registration process. Failure to provide a detail description that identifies the nature of the goods and/or services that the trademark will be used for, will result in a rejection by the Trademark Office. In addition to a description of the goods and/or services, the trademark registration process requires a depiction of your trademark. This description will be archived by the USPTO for their search records.

Trademark registration can be done through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) via the internet. Features of the electronic filing system include:

Online help sections for each of the application fields
Online validation to avoid the possibility of omitting important information
Immediate reply to the initial filing. The UAPTO will send an email with the assigned application serial number and a summary of the submission. 24 hour availability.